View Profile BLT333
Things I like: drawing, movies, games, music, playing guitar... stuff like that.

Age 34, Male


Rhode Island

Joined on 1/22/10

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BLT333's News

Posted by BLT333 - January 1st, 2014

Hello again. Its been a while since I've posted here on Newgrounds (I find myself saying this a lot). I'm happy to announce that I will be getting back to work on my flash movie Like A Rock Star very soon. I had put it on hold for quite a long time for various reasons but I'd say that the main reason has to do with the music I'm producing for the movie.

After I finished making one of the songs for Like A Rock Star, my intention was to get that song officially copyright registered. However, considering how I've got a lot of songs and the fact that it costs the same amount of money to register a single song as well as a collection of songs for copyright, I decided it would be best for me to put 4 or 5 of my songs (including the song intended to be featured in Like A Rock Star) onto an EP, proceed to have the EP copyrighted once it is completed, and then release Like A Rock Star to the Portal after that. So I spent the rest of last year working on the EP. The EP still isn't finished yet as of this time, but I will strive hard to get that EP finished soon so that I can finally be able to release Like A Rock Star.

All of the voice acting has already been completed for this movie. All that really remains is the artwork and animation, which I think will be able to go a lot faster now considering how I got a drawing tablet for Christmas. I don't have an official release date for this movie yet, but I'm going to try and have it finished/submitted to the Portal for either March or April.

I will end this journal entry with a completed frame from Like A Rock Star. It's coming, it's only a matter of time now. Until next time, peace. :)

Like A Rock Star Preview

Posted by BLT333 - April 18th, 2013

Hello Newgrounds. My productivity here on Newgrounds has unfortunately been minimal, seeing as how the only thing I've submitted to Newgrounds within the last year or so was Origin of Conductor. This is primarily due to the fact that I've been spending most of my time doing artwork on Deviant Art, I've been doing a lot of music gigs, my internal hard drive was failing in January and wasn't replaced until mid-March, and laziness in general. It has taken me a while but I've finally gotten back to working on my main animation project "Like A Rock Star" and I've essentially dedicated this entire month to working on and completing this project.

This week I posted in the forums, requesting for voice actors to voice act for this movie. If anyone who happens to be reading this would be interested in voice acting for this movie, please visit this forum post here for more details: http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1338049. Time is running out and I've already got some voice actors on board so this is basically going to be a first come, first serve kind of thing for anyone else who may want to voice act for this movie. And as of now, one of the six characters with dialog, Tod Stevens, has been officially cast. I've also got a couple of potentials for the main character Randy so I might have that character cast soon. In addition, I still need a voice actress for this movie who can convincingly cry for a good 10-15 seconds.

As for the animation itself, I plan to work on the bulk of the animation next week. I've already done a lot of the preliminary work, but I still have more preliminary work left to complete as of this moment in time before I can even get to animating. I have a feeling already that I'm going to be losing some sleep over this project in the days to come =p. And this is mainly attributed to the fact that, in addition to submitting this animated movie to the portal, I would also like to submit this movie to a couple of film festivals that are coming up shortly. Though my sister lady-ryuuxx87 should be helping out me out with some things so hopefully that will lighten my workload a bit.

On the music end of things, some of the members of my brother's rock band Shryne are helping me record a couple of songs for the movie's soundtrack. Yesterday I was recording the drum tracks with the drummer of the band, K-Dawg, using a live drum kit. I'll be recording the guitar tracks myself tomorrow and then send them to the lead singer of the band, JB, who'll be singing/playing bass on the two tracks. I'll still be needing 2 more pieces of music for this movie though, so if I don't happen to have enough time to record a couple of songs myself, I may go to the forums again to find a composer or two to write some music for this movie or look around the audio portal and see if I can find anything there that I could use (that is, if the composer of whatever work I find gives me permission to).

Well that's everything I can think of talking about right now. Later :).

***UPDATE 6/4/2013***
The process of making this movie has been very slow. I'm now thinking that I'll be submitting this project to the portal by the end of June, considering how there are still many things left for me to do before I can even get to the animation stage and I'm still awaiting help from a few people.

Posted by BLT333 - May 4th, 2012

Well, looks like it's been a long time since I've done anything productive here on Newgrounds. Ever since I started taking film/video production courses at Rhode Island College in Fall 2010, I've essentially been dedicating the majority of my time and energy to that (as well as doing other kinds work for other classes). But very soon I will be a college graduate, leaving me more available to do things now (in addition to making me unemployed). It's kind of hard to believe that I'm finally going to be graduating and as things are now, I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do exactly. I guess I'll have to take things one step at a time.

I've got a couple of projects that I'm currently working on, both of which are projects for the Digital Audio Production class I've been taking recently. One is short, the other is long. The short one is about Conductor, the character featured in my first flash "Shao Kahn gets PWN'D" and as it stands right now, it is a sound composition with voice over narration. I'm considering the possibility of making it into a flash movie, but I'm not sure. Either way, I intend to post it on here whether it's to the flash portal or the audio portal.

The long one will be a flash movie. It's called "Like A Rock Star," and it's about a rock band that aspires to make it to the top by entering into a battle of the bands type competition. The movie will feature a couple of songs I've written. My sister lady-ryuuxx87 will be collaborating with me on it, supplying background art among other things (hopefully). Thanks to what I've learned about flash over the past year, through both my 2D animation class and through tutorials and things, I'm optimistic that this movie will come out pretty well. As of this time, I've got some of the movie story-boarded, some of the music recorded, and some of the sound design completed. I'll try to keep updates on all of my projects statuses as well.

Considering how I've mentioned Conductor, I should probably talk about the big plans I have in store for that. I intend to make a web series based on the character and from what I'm planning, it will be pretty epic in proportions. And to avoid any confusion (since I had included the character in that silly flash I mentioned above), it will be a drama series (maybe it might have some light-hearted moments in it).

It took me about a year or so, but I've finally got a solid microphone to use for voice recording. It's the Zoom H4n multi-track recorder. I got it since it is a professional quality microphone that is multipurpose. Because I've got it now, I can now make a voice acting reel and possibly get involved doing voice acting in some animations.

Well that's all for now.

Posted by BLT333 - October 12th, 2010

Well it's my 20th birthday today and after almost a year of being a member on Newgrounds I've managed to release one flash called "Shao Kahn Gets PWN'D". Speaking of that flash, I want to say a quick thanks to those people who liked my first flash. I know it isn't the greatest flash ever but I'm still glad that some people enjoyed it.

As I said before, I do plan on doing more interesting flash animations but that is whenever I get any time on my hands away from schoolwork because as of this time I've been pretty busy working on live action films that I'm doing for my Video Production class. Another issue is that both Adobe Flash trials I had (for CS3 and CS5) both expired so I'm going to attempt getting the trial for CS4. I can use Flash at Rhode Island College if I have to. I was actually able to do one drawing for my last use of Flash CS5 before the trial expired. As a fan of the Larry the Little Freakin Knight series, I was going to enter a Larry pic into the Larry Contest created by Jazza. I decided not to because the resolution wasn't the right size and I couldn't fix it because the Flash trial expired once I had quit the program. For anyone interested, you can look at the pic I did here.

I don't know when or if I'll release another flash this year, but I'm definitely planning on taking a 2D Animation course for my Film Major next semester so I'll more than likely be using Adobe Flash for that course. So I'll at least be able to put those flashes from the 2D Animation class if I take it next semester. Additionally, if I ever get the chance to get a good microphone, I could probably do some voice acting stuff in the mean time. But that's only if I get a good microphone.

Well that's all for now.

Posted by BLT333 - August 7th, 2010

It's been a while since I've posted something here on Newgrounds. I've finally started learning Flash, which I started doing about a month ago. The reason why it took me so long was because I wanted to get the Adobe version of Flash (I originally had an old addition of Macromedia Flash) and because the Adobe Flash class I signed up for summer at Rhode Island College was cancelled. Luckily my sister Laura (a.k.a. lady-ryuuxx87) still happened to have the book from her class on using Adobe Flash, so she's been helping me learn how to use Flash.

I posted my first Flash on Deviant Art, which for anyone interested can watch here. It was for the 3,000+ page views on my Deviant Art page. It is a very simple, quick animation of a stick-figure like guy running and then getting hit by lightning. Considering that it was intended for Deviant Art and isn't particularly spectacular to watch, I'm not putting it here on Newgrounds. Instead, I'm going to put the Flash movie that was originally intended to be the 3,000+ page views flash animation that uses Mortal Kombat sprites. This movie will feature my character named Conductor as one of the MK sprites. I'm not sure how long it will take, considering how I have to finish the animation for BJAM Studio Productions and only 1/4 (maybe less) of the movie itself is completed so far.

I plan on doing much more interesting flash movies in the future, but for now I'm simply going to stick to the basics. That's all for now.

Posted by BLT333 - January 22nd, 2010

I've been following this site for quite sometime now and decided to set up an account. There's some pretty awesome flashes on this site, which really makes me wanna learn flash. I have some ideas for flash projects, but that wont happen until i learn how to use flash effectively.

In addition to the flash stuff I'd like to do, I might submit some music stuff and if anyone needs a voice actor, you can message me. I do a ton of different voices: from military people to people of different ethnic backgrounds, characters from videogames, annoying nerds, old guys, celebrities etc.

So thats it I guess. Hopefully I'll learn flash soon and submit stuff in the future.